BlinkM is I2C controllable, programmable LED module that's easy to control from Pixhawk.
BlinkM - I2C Controlled RGB LED - COM-08579 - SparkFun Electronics
Quick Start
Follow the instructions here: BlinkM Quick Start Guide | ThingM
Testing BlinkM
Follow the directions here to test/play with the unit from an Arduino.
- Connect BlinkM to one of the I2C ports on Pixhawk.
- You need a PCB pin socket and DF13 4 pin connectors and a 4 line ribbon cable.
- I2C pinout on Pixhawk: https://pixhawk.org/modules/pixhawk
- BlinkM Datasheet is here: http://thingm.com/fileadmin/thingm/downloads/BlinkM_datasheet.pdf
When sending MAVLink LED commands via XBee, set all SR1_* to 0 to avoid garbage output in MAVProxy console.