Commercial Solution
Get pre-built cable and software.
These guys have adopters for both DR series and X series receivers:
This one converts MAVLink to FrSky SmartPort telemetry format on the fly, so it's a turnkey solution.
DIY Solution
Software Based Solution
For PixRacer (PX4FMUv4)
If you have PixRacer, there's no need to buy the converter.
For Pixhawk (PX4FMUv2)
Use a Serial Adopter + Protocol Translator Software running on Pixhawk. If you are using Pixhawk (PX4FMUv2) and have the popular D4R-II or any of the "D" series receiver, get FrSky FUL-1 serial converter.
Hardware Based Solution
MAVLink FrSky SPort
This is a Teensy based DIY solution
PX4 Setup
# If connected to SERIAL4 (/dev/ttyS6 a.k.a "SERIAL4/5")
frsky_telemetry start -d /dev/ttyS6
# If connected to SERIAL2 (/dev/ttyS2 a.k.a "TELEM2")
frsky_telemetry start -d /dev/ttyS2
Serial port mapping on Pixhawk (PX4FMUv2)
NuttX UART | Pixhawk (PX4FMUv2) UART |
/dev/ttyS0 | IO DEBUG (RX only) |
/dev/ttyS1 | TELEM1 (USART1) |
/dev/ttyS2 | TELEM2 (USART2) |
/dev/ttyS3 | GPS (UARTX) |
/dev/ttyS4 | N/A (UART5, IO link) |
/dev/ttyS5 | SERIAL5 (UART7, NSH console) |
/dev/ttyS6 | SERIAL4 (UART8) |
APM Setup
Follow the instructions here.
Transmitter Update and Setup
Download the latest firmware and flash it to your Taranis.
You can just use default telemetry settings screen to setup your screen.
You can also use Lua scripts to make it look pretty.
If you are using S.Port, you can use Lua Scripts from the MAVLink FrSky SPort project
Other Scripts
NOTE: With OpenTX 2.1, telemetry scripts must be placed under SCRIPTS\TELEMETRY on the SD card, not under the model folder as was the case with 2.0. Also, older scripts need to be converted as there was a large refarctoring done on the telemetry code in 2.1. See below for details.